Top Ten Health Benefits of Pomegranates

Quite fitting if you compare it to its thick red exterior encasing a multitude of seeds with sweet, bright red and deliciously juicy pulps. However, what remains generally unknown to the great majority is its numerous health benefits.

Health Benefit of pomegranate

The word ‘pomegranate‘ originates from the Latin word ‘pomum granatum’, which literally means “apple with many seeds.” Quite fitting if you compare it to its thick red exterior encasing a multitude of seeds with sweet, bright red and deliciously juicy pulps. However, what remains generally unknown to the great majority is pomegranate’s numerous health benefits. This articles summarizes top ten health benefits of pomegranates.

01. Antioxidants

Pomegranates gain their ruby color due to the presence of polyphenols. These micronutrients are packed with antioxidants that fight free radicals, protect cells, and reduce inflammation. Pomegranate juices have about 3x more antioxidants than red wine or green tea, making the fruit a ‘super fruit’ packed with numerous potential health benefits – many of whom are listed below.

02. Nutrients

Pomegranates are a rich source of potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin K, as well as several other key immune-boosting nutrients. In fact, eating one pomegranate gives you about 28 mg of vitamin C, which is almost 50 percent of your daily recommended intake (DRI).

03. Improves Digestive Health

Pomegranate seeds (also known as pomegranate arils) help significantly improve digestive health due to their high content of fiber. A cup of pomegranate seeds contains 7 grams of fiber, ensuring that reaching your fiber goal would yield no challenge.

04. Prevents cardiovascular diseases

The antioxidants present within a pomegranate help protects both high and low-density lipoproteins (responsible for cholesterol) from oxidation, which would then result in a significant attenuation of atherosclerosis development and its consequent cardiovascular events.

05. Prevent cancer

Studies have suggested that pomegranates can prevent and may even fight different types of cancer at different stages. The anti-inflammatory properties and rich polyphenol content protect DNA from mutations, inhibit cancer cell growth, and prevent cancer from spreading. Who knew this little red fruit could be so assertive?

06. Relieve Arthritis

Research has credited the fruits’ rich and powerful antioxidants to reducing joint tenderness, swelling, and pain in those with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). Their powerful inflammatory properties have contributed to a massive role in doing so. 

07. Helps with Memory

Studies conducted show that the antioxidant properties of pomegranate increase memory performance significantly due to its production of increased cerebral blood flow that facilitates memory performance. While these studies prove promising, more research is needed before a direct link is confirmed.

08. Diabetes

Pomegranate antioxidants are not free but are attached to the pomegranate sugars, making these sugars protective against chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis. Moreover, Experts have also claimed that pomegranate seeds may play a role on increasing insulin sensitivity, thus proving to be quite beneficial for diabetics.

09. Fights Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress may occur due to an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals within the body. If a large number of free radicals start to overtake the number of antioxidants, they may start reacting with other molecules and consequently damage tissues within the body. As a result, pomegranates prove to be resourceful as their antioxidants help fight off these free radicals responsible for oxidative damage.

10. Anti-Inflammatory

Pomegranates are well known for their active anti-inflammatory properties due to their antioxidants. Studies have shown them demonstrating the inhibition of a major inflammatory enzyme COX – 2. So, eating pomegranates can prove to be a significant benefit to one’s health as it keeps common illnesses and infections at bay.

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