Category: Health / Travel

  • Are we drinking clean water? – Water pollution and its effect on public health

    Are we drinking clean water? – Water pollution and its effect on public health

    Water pollution has been one of the major threats to public health. According to the UNO secretary General on world water day, around 1.3 billion people don’t have access to safe drinking water, more than 6 million people die every year as a result of waterborne diseases which is ten times the number of people…

  • Top 10 tourist attractions in dubai

    Travelling to Dubai continues to grow. In a city of superlatives, here are the top 10 places that have helped put Dubai on the map as a global tourism destination.

  • 10 fascinating places to Visit in turkey

    If you are planning a trip to turkey, then you are on the right page!! Here’s a quick guide to the 10 of the best places to visit in Turkey this year. It’s quite rare that you find a place for a vacation with almost everything. Turkey is a country having beaches, shopping hubs, cultural…

  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on health and different economies

    The outbreak of coronavirus disease has not only become a public health crisis but has also severely affected global economies. Major victims of the corona virus outbreak are the fragile economies which were moving towards the stability when the health crisis struck.